Welcome to Christ Church.

Revd. David Ash.
Retired Clergy Support...
Revd. John Evans
Revd. Nita Edwards
Tim Carter,
Mission Area Representatives...
Geraldine Sanders (MA Treasurer),
Sue England (MA Representative).
Prestatyn Christ Church Committee Team...
David Ash (Vicar)
Ffrangcon Roberts (Chair)
Peter Scorey (Treasurer)
Chris Sanders (Finance Team)
Geraldine Sanders (MA & Diocesan Rep) (Finance Team)
Sue England (Finance Team)
Jean Demack (Safeguarding Officer)
Frank Cook
Josie Cook
Sandra Roberts
Simon Weaver
Jenny Bryne
Lewis Alexander
Tom Williams
Warden Team...
Sue England,
Geraldine Sanders,
Chris Sanders,
Ffrangcon Roberts,
John Northam,
Dennis Charnock.
Organist & Choirmaster...
Mr Huw Ellis-Williams.
Sandra Roberts
Wheelchair Access to church and community hall by installed ramps,
The six bells of Christ Church, Prestatyn, were hung during 2004 by Eayre and Smith of Derby and were dedicated by the Lord Bishop of St Asaph and the Right Rev'd John Davies on Sunday 21 December 2004. They were paid for by donations and also by families in memory of a loved one. A brand new ringing team was coached and there are now twelve regular ringers.
Practice Night is usually Tuesdays at 7.00p.m.
Treble: 196lbs - 1cwt 3 qtr 0lbs
2: 216lbs - 1 - 3 - 20
3: 312lbs - 2 - 3 - 4
4: 357lbs - 3 - 0 - 21
5: 466lbs - 4 - 0 - 18
Tenor: 619lbs - 5 - 2 - 3
Mr Ffrangcon Roberts, 6 Mostyn Avenue, Prestatyn LL19 9NF
Telephone: 01745 888905.
A very warm welcome is extended to visiting teams of ringers.
Christ Church Photo Gallery
Going Back... Christ Church before our time...

This is just a little history of our beautiful stained glass windows. Each window is a unique story and dedication, so we would like to share this with you, rather than being obscured through the mists of time. This is part of our church history.
Archive Description: Christ Church - Built in 1863 by T.H. Wyatt and enlarged in 1905 by Prothero & Phillott with the addition of the south aisle and the northern arcade adapted to match the new one. Chancel of 1926 by L.W. Barnard.
All information including Images - © University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies.
Information imported from deprecated website.
Christ Church's Stained Glass Windows
A little history...
"The Ascension”
Date: 1935.
Description: Five-light window with Christ ascending in the sky with angels, the eleven disciples and Mary beneath, situated ouside of a walled town.
Firm / studio: Shrigley & Hunt.
Location: East wall of the chancel.
Further Information: Signed by the firm. Text: 'By thy Glorious Resurrection & Ascension Good Lord Deliver us.’ Given by various donors in memory of members of the Lyne family, Meredith Jones Hughes (vicar of the parish from 1908-1932) and by parishioners 'for the completion of this church.’
"Christ the Good Shepherd with Scenes from the Life of Christ”
Date: 1868
Description: Three-light window. Central figure of Christ holding a lamb and shepherd's staff, two scenes with Christ and children, Christ disputing with the Doctors of the Law in the temple, and Christ in a boat calming the storm.
Firm / studio: Lavers & Barraud.
Location: East wall of south aisle chapel (Lady Chapel).
Further Information: The glass was moved from the chancel to its present position when the south aisle was built in 1905. There were originally several stained glass windows in the chancel. One of the original chancel windows was given by the parents of Samuel and George Gilderoy in memory of six young choristers who were drowned in 1868. Another window was given in memory of the choristers by public subscription. The tragedy is reflected in the imagery of the calming of the storm and the scenes with children. A window in the south wall of the original chancel depicted the Good Shepherd, and was given in memory of Elizabeth Hunt in December 1867 (information kindly provided by Sue Christou from the church archives and Natalia McKenzie).
"Christ Blessing Children Brought by their Mothers”
Date: 1927.
Description: Three-light window.
Firm / studio: Burlison & Grylls.
Location: South wall of the south aisle chapel (Lady Chapel).
Further Information: Given in memory of George Hugh Lees by his parents Joseph and Elizabeth Banks. 'Born to Earth 6th October 1892. Born to Eternal life 2nd November 1900’.
"The Adoration of the Shepherds and the Magi"
Date: 1942.
Description: Three-light window with Mary, Joseph and the Christ child in the centre light, with three shepherds at the left and three Magi at the right with gifts.
Firm / studio: Shrigley & Hunt.
Location: South wall of the south aisle.
Further Information: Signed by the firm. Given in memory of Susan Astin (died 1942) by her husband Tom Astin.
"Presentation of Christ in the Temple and Christ with the Doctors of the Law“
Date: 1931, 1948 and 1952.
Description: Three-light window composed of two or three separate commissions by two makers. The left and right-hand lights depict Mary and Joseph presenting Christ to Simeon in the temple (left) and Christ among the doctors of the law in Jerusalem (right). The centre light depicts an unnamed tonsured saint teaching a boy, holding a book with the words 'Dominus illuminatio mea' ('the Lord is my light' from Psalm 27:1).
Firm / studio: Shrigley & Hunt.
Firm / studio: G. Maile & Son.
Location: South wall of the south aisle.
Further Information: The central light was given inmemory of Revd H.E. Mocatta (died 1931) by family, past and present pupils and staff of Clive House School, where he was headmaster. This window is attributable to G. Maile & Son. The right and left-hand lights are by Shrigley and Hunt, and their signature is found on the left-hand light, which was given in memory of Mary Hickson (died 1921) and her daughter Ethel (died 1940) by a daughter of Mary Hickson. Recorded as design no. 5600, obviously suggestive of an 'off the shelf' design. The inscription at the foot of the right-hand light is in Welsh, commemorating Sarah Susannah Jones (died 1946), her brother Frances Edward Jones (died 1946) and her sister Jane Jones (died 1949). Additional information kindly provided by Sue Christou from the church archives.
"The Calling of St Matthew”
Date: 1960.
Description: Three-light window. Christ appears to Mathew who is seated at a writing desk. A seascape is shown in the background.
Firm / studio: Goddard & Gibbs.
Designer: Maud Francis Eyston Sumner.
Location: South wall of the south aisle.
Further Information: Given in 1960 in memory of Henry Gibson Johnson (died 1959) by his sister Elizabeth Helen Johnson. He had been churchwarden from 1939 until his death (information kindly provided by Sue Christou from the church archives). The close similarity in style suggests that the window was also made by Goddard and Gibbs to the design of Maud Sumner. The scene could illustrate either the calling of Matthew or Christ appearing to him as he writes his gospel.
"Christ the Good Shepherd and Christ with Children”
Date: 1935 and about 1987.
Description: Three-light window composed of two or three separate commissions by different makers. The left-hand light shows Christ with a shepherd's staff and holding a lamb, with the text 'Feed my lambs' (John 21:15). The right-hand light is later and attempts to mimic the style of the left-hand light, depicting Christ with three children and the text 'Suffer little children to come unto me' (Luke 18:16). The centre light depicts a red dragon on a blue shield amid oak leaves.
Location: South wall of the south aisle.
Further Information: The left-hand light was erected in 1935 in memory of W.P. Richardson (died 1933), headmaster of St Chad's School. The right-hand light is dedicated to his successor Duncan N. Payne (died 1986). The inscription on the central light reads: 'To commemorate the close association of St Chad's School with this church 1905-1975’.
"The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus”
Date: 1962.
Description: Three-light window. Christ with Bartimaeus in the central light amid a small crowd, one of whom holds Bartimaeus' arm.
Firm / studio: Goddard & Gibbs.
Designer: Maud Francis Eyston Sumner.
Location: South wall of the south aisle.
Further Information: Given in memory of John Gray by his children. Information kindly provided by Sue Christou from the church archives.
"The Virgin Mary and St Elizabeth”
Date: 1933.
Description: Three-light window with standing figures in the outer lights. A representation of the dove of the Holy Spirit and Gabriel at the centre with the archangel's greeting: 'Blessed art thou among women' (Luke 1: 28), which is echoed by Elizabeth in Luke 1:42.
Firm / studio: J. Wippell & Co. Ltd.
Location: South wall of the south aisle.
Further Information: The central light is signed by the firm. In common with other windows in the south aisle, the window seems to represent more than one commission. The style of painting for the figure of Elizabeth differs to that of Mary and Gabriel, as does the inscription below. The right-hand light is therefore probably earlier than 1933, and not necessarily by Wippell & Co. Given in memory of Harriett Geeson (died 4 March 1933) and E.E.M. Dunne (died 27 July 1924). The central light carries the text: 'They served their generation by the will of God.’ Additional information kindly provided by Sue Christou from the church archives.
"The Eucharist”
Date: 1971.
Description: Two-light window. Two standing figures of Christ with bread and with wine. Upper roundel with the chalice and host.
Firm / studio: Celtic Studios.
Location: North wall, west end of the nave.
Further Information: Texts: 'This is my body which is given for you' (Luke 22: 19); 'This is my blood of the New Covenant' (Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24); (roundel) 'Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden' (Matthew 11:28). Given by two friends, James Ellis Evans and Reginald Townsend Smith in memory of their parents.
"Christ Healing the Sick”
Date: 1973.
Description: Two-light window with two healings: in the left-hand light Christ with the man at the pool of Bethesda, and in the right-hand light Christ healing the woman with an issue of blood.
Firm / studio: Celtic Studios.
Location: North wall of the north aisle.
Further Information: Given in memory of William Bromley Rogers (died 1955) and Hilda Rogers (died 1970) by their children.
"The Good Samaritan”
Date: 1976.
Description: Two-light window. The Samaritan tends the wounded traveller in the right-hand light, looking back to the other two passers-by in the left-hand light who proceed on their journeys in a landscape.
Firm / studio: G. Maile & Son.
Location: North wall of the north aisle.
Further Information: Signed with the mark of the firm. Given in memory of William Cyril Moseley (died 1974) and his wife Muriel Irene (died 1976).