Our Online Service for Sunday 11th July 2021.
The Sixth Sunday After Trinity.
Our Theme: "Grudge Or Guilt?"
Hi Folks
For this week's Online Sunday Service, we're tackling a difficult passage 'head on' if you excuse the poor taste for a pun, as it features the beheading of John the Baptist. It is a story that has been extracted and re-interpreted many times in literature and the arts, often in sensational ways. 'Grudge or Guilt?' is the theme, relating to those who plotted John's demise, but why is this story included in Mark's Gospel? Do share in this consideration of what we might glean.
This Sunday, the services in our church buildings are: 9.30am CHS Morning Prayer & 10.45am CC Holy Communion. Do please leave a message if you intend to come (just so that we can conform with the current Covid safety protocol) on 01745 776355. There will be a Midweek Communion at CHS this Wednesday at 10am, followed by a MOB (Mission Outreach and Belief) meeting to which all are welcome.
On Tuesday 12th July at 7.30pm, via Zoom, there will be a meeting of the Friends of Christ Church. Clearly during lockdown, the previous fund raising endeavours have all been on hold, so it is vital that we get together to plan all that we can for the rest of the year. This is open to all to attend and anyone with new ideas, fresh enthusiasm or a renewed willingness to get involved are particularly welcomed.
This is the link:
Meeting ID: 925 3332 7344
Passcode: 603861
On Wednesday there will be the penultimate Faith Café at 7.30pm for an hour via zoom. This is open to anyone who would like to talk about matters of faith. It is a mutually respectful group who are encouraged to share their different thoughts and ideas without judgement. If you'd like to give it a go,
Here's the link:
Meeting ID: 917 1188 9696
Passcode: 897078

On Monday 19th July at 1pm we shall be gathering at Talacre for the first stage of Shore to Shore, which is a combination of a social walk, a pilgrimage (stopping to pray) and a litter pick. All are most welcome and you are entirely welcome to opt out of praying, or indeed join us just for that at the prayer points, details online (https://dioceseofstasaph.org.uk/shore-to-shore/ ). Over the course of six monday afternoons we shall progress along the North Coast ending in Llandudno, but you don't have to do it all. Public or private transport will be available to get us back to the start. Please bring your own gloves (for litter picking) and any covid masks etc, however bags and 'grabbers' will be available. Each walk should be completed by 4pm.
for your information & prayers
Sun 11th July @ 12.30pm. BOA Marilyn Say Christ Church.
Mon 12th July @ 7pm. Homegroup via zoom
Tues 13th July @ 7.30pm. Friends of Christ Church zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 925 3332 7344
Passcode: 603861
Wed 14th July @ 10am. Midweek Communion CHS followed by MOB meeting
Wed 14th July @ 7.30pm. Faith Café via zoom
Mon 19th July @ 1pm Talacre. Shore to Shore: Walk, Pray & Clear the Way!
Tues 20th July SMT meeting
Wed 21st MA Prayers
Having dipped for a couple of months, the viewing figures for the online service picked up again last week, so whatever you did - watched it, shared it, prayed about it - please do it again!
Do let me know of any prayer requests or pastoral concerns.
Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!
God bless you,
Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355
E-Mail: Click Here to contact Us.
Website: www.prestatynchurch.com
Facebook: Prestatyn Church in Wales
Youtube: Prestatyn Church in Wales
Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.
Our Online Sunday Service This Week...