Our Online Service for Sunday 21st March 2021.
"I will draw all people to myself."
The Fifth Sunday Of Lent & Joint Mission Area Zoom Online Service!
Hi Folks
Here's details of the link for the Joint Mission Area Service for Passion Sunday. On Sunday it will be exactly a year since many of us first ventured into online services within the Bryn a Môr Mission Area and now you're spoilt for choice. On Sunday 21st at 10am via Zoom we shall be celebrating Passion Sunday together, with contributions from across the Mission Area. Do share in this live shared experience if you can. Our Video service uploaded is a mixture of our Zoom Online Service and other materials added, so we hope you enjoy it.
Joint Mission Area Zoom Service
Meeting ID: 926 8269 7878
Passcode: 761056
Telephone Alternatives:
Thank you to all who shared in Tenants of the King - the Mission Area Lent Course, especially Gregor and John for leading it. Many of us have been left with plenty of food for thought, prayer and action, so do keep sharing together about any further steps we might take.
The next course for the Mission Area will be in Holy Week at 4pm from Wednesday through until Easter Day - the Unanswered Prayer Course. An hour a day seems a fitting discipline for that period and each session will include a video, some discussion and then prayer, to help us grapple further with our own experiences of prayers not getting the answer we had wanted. It is based on the book 'God on Mute' by Pete Grieg, who is a passionate advocate for prayer, founding the 24/7 Prayer Movement. This is a follow up to 'The Prayer Course' which many in Prestatyn took part in in 2016 and found it most beneficial. In order that we are all at a similar starting point, there will be a recap/whistle stop run through of the original course next Wednesday 24th March at 4pm. Please let me know if you'd like to be part of that. The link for all of these is:
The Prayer Course (4pm Wednesday 24th March)
Meeting ID: 918 7936 9140
Passcode: 690075
Telephone alternatives:

Thank you to the many who have already offered painted pebbles and eggs for this event on Easter Sunday. Do contact me if you would also like to paint some pebbles. You need to be able to paint a pebble and take it to a pre-determined location to hide it (which I will send to you), wearing gloves (for Covid safety), plus send me a picture of it in advance so that I can allocate an egg for each pebble. Information for children and families to take part will be available shortly.
I hope to see you on Sunday.
Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!
God bless you,
Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355
E-Mail: Click Here to contact Us.
Website: www.prestatynchurch.com
Facebook: Prestatyn Church in Wales
Youtube: Prestatyn Church in Wales
Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.
Our Service This Sunday...