Sunday, 13 September 2020

Our Online service for Sunday 13th September 2020 "Debt Counselling (not about money)"

The theme is "Debt Counselling (It's not all money)"

 Hi Folks 

There's a new service from Prestatyn Church in Wales available today from 10am.  The theme is: Debt Counselling (not about money), in which we explore forgiveness and the service includes Holy Communion.  You can find this on Facebook (Prestatyn Church in Wales) as a Premiere at 10am, which means we can exchange messages of greeting or other comments, also as a video after that.  It is also available through the website ( and youtube (Prestatynchurchinwales).
There was a bit if a glitch last week that delayed the service being available for a while, but we hope that this will not happen this week and that you can access today's offering at a time to suit you.
Also today is our Zoom Coffee'n'Chat at 11am and the link is: 
Meeting ID: 617 380 4402
Passcode: 1aKUpX
Next Sunday there is a live All Age Service at CHS at 2.30pm and this will include a celebration of Harvest Festival (any tins and dry goods brought will be given to the foodbank).  Do please contact the office if you would like to book your place as numbers are limited ( / 01745 776355).
There will also be a Harvest Festival celebration at Christ Church on the 4th October (time to be confirmed).  If you haven't already done so, do let me know what time of day would most encourage you to attend.
Next Sunday is also the September Prayer 2020 meeting which will again be via Zoom...
Meeting ID: 919 3988 6991
Passcode: 195121
Do please be in touch if you have any issues, concerns or prayer requests.
Keep Safe,
Keep Praying &
Keep Close to Jesus!

God bless you,

Revd David Ash.
Vicar of Prestatyn.
01745 776355

Prestatyn Church in Wales: Christ Church & the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Part of the Bryn a Môr Mission Area, within the Diocese of St Asaph.